Memory Loss and Cognitive Decline: Causes Beyond Alzheimer’s

In our previous blog, we touched on strategies to optimize your brain health, but what exactly causes memory loss and cognitive decline?

Understanding Dementia Beyond Alzheimer’s

Is all memory loss a sign of Alzheimer’s? Not necessarily. While statistics suggest Alzheimer’s accounts for 60-80% of dementia cases, diagnosis accuracy varies. Often, misdiagnosis or overlooking treatable conditions poses a significant challenge. Identifying the root cause of forgetfulness becomes crucial.

Possible culprits for memory loss beyond dementia that are often missed include:

  1. Pseudo-dementia: Mental health issues like depression can mimic dementia. Psychological testing aids in accurate diagnosis and effective treatment planning.
  2. Vascular Dementia: Mini-strokes accumulate, leading to cognitive decline. Recognizing symptoms and addressing risk factors are vital.
  3. Sleep Apnea: Beyond snoring, sleep disorders affect cognitive function. Proper sleep stages are crucial; an at-home sleep study can diagnose issues.
  4. Hormonal Imbalances: Andropause, menopause, or hormonal fluctuations can mirror cognitive decline symptoms. Identifying and correcting imbalances yield positive results. (Wondering if you may suffer from hormonal imbalances? Take our Andropause Quiz here to see!)
  5. Heavy Metal Poisoning: Environmental toxins like lead or mercury affect brain health. Testing and appropriate treatments are available.


If you are looking for more information on these possible causes, check out my books for men and women.

Frequently, it’s a combination of various factors that contribute to mental and cognitive challenges. As emphasized in Part 1, lifestyle plays a pivotal role—consider the symptoms of inadequate rest, exercise, nutrition, fluid intake, and sleep*. The solution seems straightforward, doesn’t it? We’re here to support you through our comprehensive integrative assessment and tailored recommendations. Contact us today to get started!

Risk Factors of Memory Loss & Cognitive Decline

Understanding your susceptibility to cognitive decline is vital. Here are some of the key risk factors:

  1. Family History & Genetic Factors: Family history or specific gene variants (like ApoE) may increase risk. Early detection aids in proactive measures. Our assistance can aid in suppressing unfavorable genes and promoting beneficial ones. Yes, you have the capability to safely perform gene therapy at home! Allow us to guide you through the process.
  2. Arterial Health: Vessel diseases and history of strokes amplify risk. Timely tests help gauge vulnerability before symptoms manifest. We can arrange these tests to see if you are at risk.
  3. Substance Use: Alcohol, illicit drugs, or even anesthesia contribute to cognitive impairment. Awareness and proactive measures mitigate risks.
  4. Anesthesia: As we grow older, take multiple medications, and possess limited brain reserves, prolonged numbing anesthesia might induce a fog-like state for weeks or even longer, particularly following extensive surgeries like coronary bypass procedures.
  5. COVID infection: Long COVID is now gaining the acknowledgment it deserves. Regardless of what information you come across, it’s important to note that COVID vaccinations, along with most vaccinations intending an immune response, can unintentionally trigger inflammation, cross-reactivity, and harm in certain individuals.
  6. Sedatives: As previously mentioned, any form of tranquilizer—such as benzodiazepines or even mild over-the-counter options like Benadryl—can compound effects and are linked to an increased risk of dementia.**

Looking Ahead: Diagnostics, Genetic Testing, & Treatments

Stay tuned for our next installment, where we delve deeper into diagnostics, genetic testing, and treatment options for dementia. Discover integrative, safe approaches uniquely available at Unison Pro-Youth Institute.

Your cognitive wellness matters. Join us on our journey to uncover the best paths to brain health.

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Unison Pro-Youth Institute- One Track. One Place. One you!

* JAMA.2023;330(10):934-940.doi:10.1001/jama.2023.15231

**Alzheimers Dement.2016;12604-613. Park,et al. The association between polypharmacy and dementia: a nested case- control study based on a 12 year longitudinal cohort database in South Korea. PloS One. 2017;12(1) 1-17.

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